Sunday, September 26, 2010

"Delete Helper Guy Account":

Helper Guy is a facebook profile with the identity of "Helper Guy". The person's first name apparently is "Helper" and his last name apparently is "Guy". The profile picture is a drawing of the coveralls-wearing avatar-like character (and I am talking about avatars relating to the Internet, NOT the motion picture, and NOT Avatar, The Last Airbender) with the inebriated facial expression of being Drunk, High, and appearing to constantly say "DUUuuUuUUuUUuuUUuUHHHHHHH.......". He has bleached blonde hair. This is the default appearance of all Farmville characters. When I played Farmville (a huge mistake, but I mentioned this in case some people think I am judging a game that I have never played, they are In-Correct) I could not figure how to make the person not wear coveralls. This is not an optional feature. And neither is turning off the person all together. This, and also in combination with the slowness and constant instability of farmville, (even on "new" computers) and the fact that I did not have the time to play Farmville are reasons to not play Farmville. I have closed my Farmville profile. Farmville is very popular. While it is popular, it is annoying. Many people have been playing Farmville. They were sending Farmville requests. And then I found a facebook profile called "Helper Guy". This is unbelievable!! Somebody has actually created an account and people are adding the Farmville Helper Guy to be their friend on Facebook. This account must be deleted, since facebook people's account profiles need to be of REAL PEOPLE, and not a Farmville avatar.

Not Finished Yet.

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